Tips for Taking Amazing Photos On Your Phone
These days there’s no need to lug around a big DSLR or even a digital camera when the device we always have with us can do just as good a job. I’m talking about the iPhone of course! After all, when were you last really without your humble companion? I bet you’d struggle to name […]
Choosing The Right Software For Your Business
Having worked in various types of company from freelancing out of a bedroom, to small businesses, to large multinationals. I have seen various software applications used for all manner of activities, be it deciding who makes the next round to tea, to strategic conversion rate optimisation tools. New technologies are giving businesses a huge boost and […]
Amazing Facts About the Latest Gaming Platforms
How bright does the future look for gamers? It’s hard to say. At the moment, it’s hard to say. There are a bunch of names floating around for the latest gaming platforms, but information is limited on some of them. Here’s a quick rundown of the gaming platforms of 2016 and 2017. VR So, it’s […]
Great Car Gadgets Every Dad Needs
Let’s face it. When you’ve got one or more children in tow, you won’t have much time to devote to “geeking up” your car. Especially if you’ve got babies or toddlers to look after! The thing is, some geeky gadgets could help both you and your offspring have a better time on the road. The […]
Tech Review: Vizor Virtual Reality Headset
Being a gadget-loving father, I have seen many gizmos come and go. I was around during the last two Virtual Reality booms and sadly, they both fizzled into oblivion. In 1989, the term ‘Virtual Reality’ was coined, and by the early nineties there was a handful of VR terminals and a hit movie (The Lawnmower […]
Tech Review: Olixar 3-in-1 Lens Kit
I’m becoming a camera ponce… As a fan of both photography and video production it can be a little frustrating only having a mobile phone camera when something epic happens. Whether is something magical such as your daughter’s first experience toasting marshmallows, or something scary, like finding a giant spider in the garage, the shots […]
Tech In Sport: Gadgets That Help You Up Your Game
Technology is changing everything these days, from the way we work to the way we entertain ourselves. And, it’s also the way we train ourselves and get fitter, stronger, and better at a sport. No matter what your game is, or how old you are, you can use gadgets to up your game. Here are […]
An Introduction to the IT Sector
The IT sector is one of the most important and quickly growing industries out there. If you’re curious about the history and current applications of IT, you’ll want to read on for an introduction to and history of the IT sector. Some Basic Definitions You Should Know According to About Tech, the words “information technology” […]
Get the Perfect Home Cinema Setup Today
There’s little else out there that will make your kids think you’re any cooler. Getting a great home cinema is the best way to experience today’s entertainment. Whether you and your kids are playing the latest video games or watching films both new and classic, this is the best way to do it. A “home […]
How Apple’s iPhone SE aims to claim the budget smartphone market
One of the most overlooked tech headlines in 2016 so far was the announcement that Apple would be releasing a so-called ‘budget smartphone’ – the Apple iPhone SE. This compact device aims to retake some of the most aggressive pricing strategies of Chinese brands by offering a smartphone that’s capable of all the expected tasks, […]
3 Quirky Gifts Every Dad Will Love
If you’re a Dad like me, then you’ll love buying quirky gifts for yourself. Sometimes, you just have to treat yourself, right? But, there’s a chance you’re reading this looking for some gift ideas for your Dad! Either way, all of the ideas in this post are awesome and will go down a treat, trust […]
Summer Gadgets To Tempt You This Year
If you’re a gadget fan, now is the time to embrace seasonal change and invest in some summer gizmos. Whether you’re king of the grill, or you’re eager to impress at a special occasion, we’ve got you covered. Garden gadgets Summer can turn us all into green-fingered gardening enthusiasts. Are you getting out into the […]
Awesome Tech-Based Family Activities
It’s 2016, and the height of technological advancement. And, that means the variety of things we can do with our families has never been greater. Modern technology affords us a great many opportunities for our leisure time, and there’s even more that work well for families. So, here are some of the best tech-based activities […]
Dad’s Birthday Wishlist
Okay folks, here’s the deal. Every year we open our new pair of socks, and we put on our best smile and say thank you. But, that’s not what we really wanted. So, to save you the trouble (and my fake smile), I’ve written up a killer list of present ideas. Obviously, this is my […]
5 Simple Gadgets That You Need In Your Life
Technology plays an integral role in modern society, especially in my life. We all love treating ourselves to the latest and greatest gadgets. But with so many options on the market, it can be hard to know where our money would be best spent. Whilst some gadgets, such as the iPad Pro or the Phantom […]
Top 5 smartphones for gaming in 2016
Mobile phone technology has progressed at an astonishing rate and now people use them for many aspects of their lives – from working to playing music and games. These are five great 2016 gaming phones for both simple casino games to graphics-rich games like Real Racing 3. LG G5 (£500+) The G range of phones […]
What Does The Future Hold For Gamers?
Do you love nothing more than relaxing with a good computer game during your free time? Have you purchased all the latest games consoles to ensure you’re never left without something to do? Then you probably want to know as much as possible about the future of gaming. At the end of the day, technology […]
Should You Let Kids Go Online?
Should you let your kids go online? The simple answer to this question is yes, and you should. While the Internet is filled with dangers, it can be an educational tool that is simply too good not to use. So perhaps a better question is whether you should let your children online, unsupervised. At a […]
Top 10 Gift Ideas For Kids This Christmas
Looking for the perfect gift for your children this Christmas? It’s getting close to deadline day, so I thought I would give you some handy tips. There’s something here for all budgets, so take a look and see what you think. Pie Face The perfect board game for all ages, Pie Face, looks hilarious fun. […]
Unboxing: August MS515 Bluetooth Speakers
To be honest, I had not heard of ‘August’ before getting these Bluetooth stereo speakers but after seeing the high quality build and snug fitted box I wanted to know more. After a little research I was surprised to see that was a UK company set up back in 2005. Since then August has enjoyed […]
Top Tips to Protect Your Tech
Just how clumsy are you? Of course, you have never thrown your phone, however inadvertently, down the stairs. That wasn’t you who left your smartphone on the car roof, or sat on something crunchy you shouldn’t have. And your laptop has never been refreshed with a glass of water that was a little more expensive […]
Tech Review: The Sprializer | Food Tech
I was sat in the office one day, when a colleague sat down eating what I thought was pesto pasta with baby tomatoes. It looked delicious. Then she dropped the bomb by telling me that the spaghetti was ‘spiralized’ courgette. She then went on to say that vegetable spaghetti was her secret weapon for getting her […]
Your Games Room is Boring! Spice it up with these Must-Have Items
I’m sure all of the other Daddy-Geeks out there have great aspirations for ways to create an awesome games room. There are so many fun things you can get to kit out your games room. I know exactly how I want to make the best games room for my family and me and here are […]
An Adult’s Guide To Staying Safe While Browsing The Web
As a parent, you never imagine that you could be unsafe when you are browsing the web. No, it is the children that we must protect, isn’t it? Of course, the kids are your big priority because there are unscrupulous people out there who are looking to take advantage. Every child should know the warning […]
Home Tech That Has Made My Life A Lot Easier
My readers know how much I love tech. I think the name of the blog gives it away to be honest. But, perhaps what they don’t know is how useful I find technology when dealing with common problems at home. It certainly makes my life easier. On a daily basis I use the latest tech […]