Protective Tech for Sport Loving Children
We would all like to wrap our children in cotton wool and protect them from the world, however, the urge to explore, taste and try everything is a magical gift that parents can’t help but nurture. Over the past few years, I have seen my children express interests in martial arts, sports, dancing and gymnastics. […]
Turn The Play Room Into A Teenage Hangout
No one wants to see their children grow up, do they? However, they do grow up, and that means something cool happens. You can turn your kid’s playroom into an awesome teenage hangout. This is good for a couple of reasons; firstly you can reclaim your living room. If they have a cool space to […]
Best Video Conferencing Features and Tools for SMBs
When you’re running an SMB, figuring out what kind of technology platform will give you the most bang for your buck is essential to your business’s success. Given that communication technology can be some of the most expensive services out there, finding a solution that’s both scalable, but also flexible, is of the utmost importance. […]
Papa DO Preach!
The thing about being a dad in the age of the internet means that there are many places you can go to for advice, but the fact is that by randomly typing into Google “why is my baby puking” doesn’t throw up a lot of help, but mainly thousands of pages of forums, none of […]
Kids That Code: Should You Get Yours Interested In Programming?
There’s no denying that children these days are very much interested in gadgets and technology. It’s not uncommon to see kids as young as eight walking around with smartphones and tablets! At home, they probably outsmart their parents when it comes to technology! It’s also not unusual to see youngsters learning about stuff on computers, […]
Make Your Kids Proud by Becoming a Tech-Savvy Dad
Technology today just isn’t the same as it was when we dads were growing up. Computers are no longer massive hunks of metal that cost exorbitant amounts, connecting to the internet doesn’t make ear-grating noises anymore, and speeds are so fast that we often find ourselves wondering how to make the most of our internet […]
Robots That Will Compete With Our Children
Without even realizing it, we have seen robots come into play in our everyday lives. They may not look like the ones in Will Smith’s I, Robot or Spielberg’s A.I. – not yet anyway – but robots have become part of our daily life. We all have a form of Siri on our smartphones, or […]
Tech Review: August Smart Wristband
Being the type of man who enjoys all the food and drinks we are told to avoid, I attempt to combat my unhealthy diet with regular exercise… or at least as regular as I can manage. I’m a keen runner, I try and cycle to the office and my children and dog keep me pacing […]
The Best Apps to Stop Dads Going Crazy
Being a dad makes for a busy life, but it’s all worth it in the end. However, that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some tough times along the way. When you’re extremely busy, and the kids are demanding your attention, it can be hard to keep your head on straight. All dads need a bit […]
Must-Have Features Of Exemplary Blogs
If you are thinking about starting your own blog, then you will want to know what it is that makes them successful. As with anything else, there has to be something that sets apart the best from the rest, and knowing what that something is is likely to help you profoundly in building up your […]
Why Your Smartphone Is Always Letting You Down
A lot of us should admit that technology has spoiled us to a rather large degree nowadays. Just over a decade ago, you had to be a little more patient to wait for your PC to boot up and you wouldn’t have been able to dream of the level of convenience in your smartphone. So, […]
The Geek’s Guide To Picking A New Laptop
Time to find a new laptop? No one really likes shopping for a new one, as these days there are way too many different ones to choose from. At this years CES in Las Vegas, Razer showcased an amazing looking three screen laptop.Project Valerie, the world’s first laptop to incorporate three built-in monitors. Hopefully, the […]
Could You Have A Smartphone Problem?
The smartphone, as I’m sure you’ll agree, is a truly incredible invention. Just imagine being able to hop in your DeLorean and visit yourself twenty years ago to show off such an amazing device! Now, while I absolutely love technology, I’m sure you’ll agree that some of us spend way too much time on our […]
Daddy Geek Christmas Gift Guide 2016
With Halloween now well behind us, Christmas has come screaming into the forefront with the annual heart wrenching adverts, the landslide of toy commercials and they have already let Michael Bubble out of his box to sing in the festive season. It’s about now, I turn my technological wizardry to Christmas shopping to find out […]
Pitch Up With These Gadgets For A Tech-Savvy Tent
While going camping with the kids for the first time is a great event that you’ll never forget. But the stress is something that will stay with you for a long time too! The mud and rain might form a part of your experience too! Luckily there are ways to get by while being tech-savvy […]
Still A Big Kid: One Dad’s Worries About Monopolising His Children’s Toys
Now let me first get an important disclaimer out of the way. I love my kids more than words can say. They, along with my wife, are my world. I would do anything for them, and would never let them come to any harm. With that said, I am a geek, which largely means I’m […]
Tech Inventions From ‘Back To The Future’ That Came True…
I don’t suppose you’ve watched the ‘Back To The Future’ series of films lately? I have. You know what I noticed? There are so many inventions from that series that actually came true in the real world. Many of them have only started to spring up in recent years, so who knows what else is […]
The Top 3 VR Headsets On the Market Right Now
The era of virtual and augmented reality is about to emerge. Like a butterfly from a chrysalis, it will spread its wings to become the new big thing – not only in entertainment, but in healthcare, education, tourism, military training and much more. It’s hard to describe just how immersive and impressive it feels, even […]
Having Fun With Home Wifi? This Should Help
Do you want to know how reliant you are on technology and the internet? Well just wait until you next move home. When you move home, you’ll experience at least a few agonizing days in the new property with no internet. I can’t begin to tell you how unpleasant this can be. Do you want […]
Get Your Geek On In The Car: Unmissable Gadgets Any Vehicle Needs
If you are like me, you probably like to have gadgets in every aspect of your life. One area where you can find a lot of useful gadgets is in vehicles. If you have not yet started to kit out your car with the latest tech, it might be time to start doing so. Perhaps […]
Need Faster Wi-Fi? Read This Guide
Wi-Fi speed is not something I ever thought would concern me. After all, I started out accessing the Internet with a 56 kbps modem, and everything since has blown my mind. But Wi-fi speed is becoming increasingly important in households all over the country. We’re all moving to a connected state, and everything accesses the […]
Are The Apple AirPods The Company’s Worst Invention Yet?
Apple has long been one of the most valuable brands in the world. This is in large part due to their range of gadgets and devices aimed at the everyday consumer. Over a billion Apple products are used worldwide, thanks to their ease of use for even the least technologically savvy people. That’s why their […]
Camera Vs. Smartphone: Which Is Better For Taking Pictures In 2016?
There was a time when any budding photographer would automatically opt for a digital camera to capture their footage. In recent years, however, smartphone cameras have dramatically advanced. They’re now sporting a vast range of features. This includes excellent picture quality and the ever-popular ability to take ‘selfies.’ Now, you’re probably left wondering what to […]
How To Completely Obliterate Your iPhone
iPhones don’t come cheap, and yet many people take risks with them daily. These risks lead to a completely obliterated iPhone, and an expensive repair bill. That’s even if it can be fixed! Here’s how most people completely obliterate their iPhones… Drop Your iPhone On The Floor Sometimes, you can drop your phone on the […]
TV Reception Problems? Try These Simple Fixes
There is nothing more annoying than sitting down to watch a TV show only to find the sound and picture is pixelated. It can leave you and your family in a bad mood and put a quick end to your TV and movie nights. This kind of TV problem is almost always caused by a […]