Hours of sleep: 7
Number of wake ups in house: 2
Number of cups of tea coffee drunk to keep functioning: 5

Today has been a rarity in any parents weekly routine, both girls napped together and we actually managed to get some quality time together and get some things straight.

The brighter the days were getting the more guilty I was feeling about neglecting our garden. In the winter months the dog poo on the grass builds up, largely ignored as the only reason anyone ventures out is to bung some washing in the dryer as we have tried and failed to get the ever growing washing pile dry around the house. The grass was becoming longer threatening to reach mid calf level in places and the pots and garden furniture that had been slung to one side needed to be lovingly filled with something vaguely spring like.

A trip to Homebase provided me with the flowers and hanging baskets needed to revamp the tired looking space into something that someone cared about. As soon as our completely fictional drive to the shop was complete and we had managed to have two sleeping girls in tow, Ian got to painting the fence and cutting the grass and I rushed to fill any empty container with yellow primroses. Leaving of course one planter free for filling with Lucy later on in the day.

She had previously seemed enamored with idea of gardening, however as I should have realised it did not mature into a loving bonding moment with my daughter. Rather she tried repeatedly to slam a plug plant into the soil looking to me for approval, quickly got bored and after covering herself in mud moved on to following her dad and sister around playing on a slide and ensuring that her bottom was equally well covered in mud.

The day came to an end with our usual gravy and ‘dip dip’ fest (tomato ketchup) that is our weekly Sunday roast, and a wrestle to wash their hair. With two girls in bed for the moment at least I have congratulated myself on a good days work with a large gin and tonic and a glass of red wine… come on it’s the weekend, surely I am allowed!

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