Incredible Long-haul Family Holiday Destinations That Are Worth the Journey
Any journey with the kids that lasts longer than five minutes has the potential to turn into a nightmare. So if you’re going to trapped inside a metal box with them for several hours, the end destination had better be worth it. A long-distance holiday isn’t something to take lightly when you have young kids […]
5 Fascinating Places to Take Your Kids This Summer
This summer wow your kids by taking them to sites of cultural and historical significance. Here are five of the most fascinating places to take your kids. These are places that are sure to change your kids lives and enrich their imaginations. The Millennium Wheel The Millennium Wheel, also known as the London Eye […]
Totlol: A Kid-Safe Alternative To YouTube Online & Mobile Devices
[dropcap size=small]T[/dropcap]otlol is not a new idea, in fact it actually started back in 2008. The idea was to offer parents a child friendly collection of video clips that exist on YouTube in one safe environment. However, being only a one man operation at the time, the project hit a rocky patch and soon disappeared. […]