Camping is a brilliant activity that can be done any time of year, but is especially fun during the summertime. Whether you want to camp with family, friends, or both these helpful tips can make the difference when it comes to having a wonderful time. Take a look and see what you think!


Stay At A Real Camp Site

If you’re not much of a camping expert yet, it’s a good idea to stay at a real camp site. There are facilities here that can help you to ease yourself into the camping lifestyle. Plus, there are so many other like minded people about, you’re bound to make friends. This is great for kids too, as they’ll play with other kids and likely make friends for life. The camping community spirit is very strong. Whether you’re taking a simple tent or a big Fifth Wheels RV, staying at a real site is a great idea. Vermont Country Campers can recommend the best RV for your needs. When you’re used to camping places like this, you could give camping alone a go. You’ll still need to make sure the area is safe and legal to camp on, though.


Take An Emergency Kit

Taking an emergency kit only makes sense. After all, camping usually involves staying in the great outdoors with not a lot else. Take first aid stuff with you, as well as anything else you think would help in an emergency situation. This is especially important if you have kids to take care of. You can buy ready made emergency kits online to help.


Choose Home Comforts Carefully

Taking some home comforts with you while camping is fine. However, you don’t want to distract away from the trip you’re taking. Maybe take each child their favourite toy. Maybe a comfortable pillow each. But there’s no point in camping if you’re going to take everything you own! Camping is about enjoying the simple things in life. Don’t lose sight of that!


Use Foam Tiles On The Floor

If you’re staying in a tent, don’t just sleep on the lumpy floor. Use some foam tiles to make the floor so much comfier and get a better night’s rest. Of course you can get comfortable sleeping bags and pillows, but foam tiles will still make a big difference.


Get To Know Nature

As you’re going to be spending a lot of time outdoors, make sure you research the area and get to know nature first. Knowing what’s poisonous and what isn’t is important. You should know what to avoid and what is safe to look at and touch. Buying a book could help. If in doubt, leave well alone. You don’t want any casualties while you’re supposed to be having a good time.

There are hundreds more helpful camping tips out there too. You can camp like a pro whether it’s your first time or hundred and first time. This is a really healthy, fun hobby to have, so give it a chance. Have you camped before? Do you have tips to share? Let me know!


About The Author

Gadget lover, gamer, tech obsessed daddy blogger - Loving husband, father of two girls and dog owner